Amazing Soul
Have you been
- feeling stuck, scared, empty, angry for a long while?
- confused about how to feel more connected to yourself and others?
- feeling a pull towards a more soul-fulfilling life?
Are you ready to
- go inward, on a deeper journey with self, dive into self-love, self-nourishment, healing, connection, support, and embodiment?
- feel inner peace and learn how to achieve it on a more regular basis?
- get clarity on your unique soul mission?
- ignite your flame and connect to your creative life force energy?
- find your voice and say YES to your path?
- stand in your power and become the best possible version of yourself?
Awaken Your Inner Mystic ● Align With Your Soul’s Purpose ● Tap into Your Sacred Creative Life Force Energy ● Create an Infinite Sacred Abundance Lifestyle
My Story
The most profound and deepest message I received from my soul during a deep transformative journey inward was this: “You have the power to heal yourself.” It was clear that the message was not only for me, but for each and every one of us. That moment was followed by a potent healing journey, facilitated by my soul, that is still present today. I sometimes wonder if one can ever feel fully healed. I realized a while ago that healing is like an onion: as one layer gets healed, another one opens up. There always seems to be more to work on. Even the same trauma or issue can circle back, only for us to realize that there is a deeper layer to it. But fear not: the Universe generally only gives us as much as we can handle in any moment. It might be tough at times, but we can get through it. Keep peeling the layers away.
My passion is to be a catalyst on your journey towards infinite possibility and support you with realizing that YOU HAVE THE POWER TO HEAL YOURSELF!
When I work with you I look into your eyes, and I see you for who you are. Your true essence. Your shadow side is as welcome as your light.
I do not pretend to have answers. I believe that by asking the right questions you can access the true answers that are deep inside your soul.
This program has been brewing within me for a very long time along with the desire to support amazing women with accessing their worth and connecting to their calling.
Through inner work a quiet confidence grew in me. And gradually, that confidence began to drum louder than any self-doubt.
I couldn’t ignore or negate my calling any more as the fires of passion were burning down barriers and lighting the way for my path forward. I now choose to honour, nourish, support and nurture myself so that I can confidently bring forward my soul’s work and support and encourage you to do the same.
Freedom means to me that I am aligned with my highest purpose and am able to manifest absolutely anything my soul desiresI do what I’m here to do and enjoy it fully, living in absolute abundance and inspiring others to find their calling and live their best possible abundant lives.
I have transformed my beliefs to release any sense of scarcity and awakened to live an abundant life with my family from a place of inner peace.
With great humbleness I stand on the shoulders of my ancestors, guides, teachers, mentors and mystics that came before me. I’m honored to share my sacred gifts for the highest good of all.
It is my deep passion to support you to create a life in which you have
- Infinite Love
- Infinite Health and
- Infinite Financial Abundance
What will this program give you?
- Allow you to discover simple, yet profound techniques to accelerate inner growth
- Offer a different approach based on ancient and current wisdom that will energetically feel right and empower you
- Help you become more attuned to the messages from your body and your soul
- Expand your horizon to accept infinite possibilities
- Help you to connect you to your soul, hence allow you to live a more authentic life
- Guide you to tap into your Sacred Creative Life Force Energy
- Allow you to calmly and lovingly take action that will make a difference
And ultimately: connect you to the Infinite Sacred Abundance of the Universe.
The secret is to live in your truth. It is powerful, yet ever so hard at times. It isn’t all sunshine and moonbeams, that’s for sure. But you can only suppress it for so long. It will want to get out.
I’m committed to support you on your journey by encouraging you to
- bring magic and mystery into everyday life
- heal on the inside
- find your voice
- open yourself to the infinity of the cosmic Universe
- find your own tribe and potentially lead your tribe
- vibe in your own rhythm — access your inner goddess
- come alive
We live in potent times, which also means that our underlying struggles are being amplified. We can no longer sweep our feelings under the rug, nor should we. It is high time we face what we’ve been ignoring or avoiding for a while.
Program Format
3-month One-on-One Program
- Weekly Private Sessions (12 weeks)
- Including 3 Aura Readings (one of the sessions each month will be a full Aura Reading)
- The other 9 weeks: 1-hour private session weekly
- Two Bonus Group Sessions with Guest Experts
- New Moon ritual
- Full Moon ritual
- Bonus eBook: The Secrets to Activate Your 5 Feng Shui Money Areas
- Bonus eBook: Practical Feng Shui Tips to Attract Good Energy Into Your Home
Teachings and Offerings
- Daily and monthly habits and rituals to help you connect to your soul and build your intuition
- Visioning, scripting and intention setting — design and manifest your dream life
- Gratitude work
- Journaling exercises to help you heal, grow, and thrive
- Money relationship work
- Tools to activate good vibrational energy in yourself, as well as in your home and life
- Weekly SoulWork that you are invited to do on your own between private sessions
- Accountability
- Mentorship in a safe container
This is a customized program tailored to your needs and desires that considers your current situation and present priorities. During our sessions I draw from all the teachings and experiences I have received to create a safe and loving space to support you in your journey to become your soul-aligned self. It is my strong belief that healing can only happen when we are heard, held, and accepted exactly as and where we are. I also know deep in my heart that we all have the power to heal ourselves. It is my sacred honor to be your partner and guide in your transformation.
My approach is based on my faith in your inner process, your and my intuition, and compassion for whatever rises for either of us during our time together. I approach my work with a lot of curiosity, so when something arises, rather than making it into a problem, we see it as a treasure to be explored, as something that is here to teach us something if we are willing to learn.
“You don’t have to say anything.
You don’t have to teach anything.
You just have to be who you are:
a bright flame shining in the darkness of despair,
a shining example of a person able to cross bridges
by opening your heart and mind.”
― Tsoknyi Rinpoche
Your weekly session may contain any of the following
- Grounding Practices and Guided Meditations
- Gratitude Work
- Visioning/Scripting/Manifesting
- Abundance Work
- Journaling
- Money Relationship Work
- Altar Work
- Object Constellation
- Feng Shui
- Moon Magic Teachings
- Spiritual Self Nourishment Practices
- Intuition Work
- Nature Connection Practices
- Herbal Allies
- Weekly ‘Soul Work’ Assignments
- Mentorship
Have you been struggling for a while and really want to activate your inner mystic?
NOW is the time to SAY YES to yourself and step into your power and purpose.
Shed light into the darkness. Find your voice to heal yourself, heal your family lineage, and ultimately the planet. That is the least and the most we can do. The world is going through a massive change. We are responsible for ourselves. Make it count! Through our own healing, the world will heal. We are all ONE.
Ready to bring magic and mystery into your everyday life and come alive?
When you say YES to Yourself, the Universe says YES to You
Stand In Your Power
“To step inside your greatness and begin using the genius that’s been uniquely given to you— something I call ‘living in your light’— you’re going to have to allow yourself to be free of old constraints and give yourself permission to stand in your power.”
—Lisa Nichols
“Standing in your power is when you are committed to pushing past any negative self-talk, rising above your own fears, and evicting any disempowering thoughts or chatter that do not support your highest calling and greatest service.” —Lisa Nichols
Myriads of thoughts
rumbling in your head.
All at once.
Hey, you noticed!
Celebrate —
sit back and watch.
But just for a moment.
Then smile and say:
I see you.
Thank you all for coming.
I don’t have time for tea, though.
And just like that:
shift your focus,
and get back on
the path to becoming
your best possible self,
who stands in her power.
— Zsoka L Scurtescu
- are yearning to feel more fulfilled in life
- can commit to make simple, yet profound changes to your daily routine
- are open to try new approaches and see what feels right
- are curious to cultivate a relationship with your soul council and guides
- are willing to trust your own soul and body to show you the way
This program is NOT for you if you
- don’t have space for personal growth in your life right now
- are not ready to go deep within yourself to search for answers
- choose familiar instead of heading into exploring the unknown
- no judgement, whatsoever! I truly believe that each of us needs to do the inner work in our own rhythm and when our soul is pushing us enough to say yes!
I am very passionate about working with you in the context of your everyday life.
Being spiritual and doing self healing is amazing when you are away on a retreat (I have done it many times), but the real work begins once you are home, surrounded by all the triggers and issues that poke their ugly heads up. With daily stressors, relationship challenges, and the constant barrage of your inner critic especially when under-nourished and overwhelmed, it can be hard to access the healing light within you.
It is my strong belief that each and every one of us is capable of healing ourselves – our own suffering, wounds, or traumas and those we inherited from our family and ancestors that we carry within us. I strongly believe that by healing ourselves we heal our ancestral lineage as well as have a profoundly positive effect on our living lineage (partner, children, etc.) I feel that responsibility (and it helps me going through hard times) and celebrate the fact that healing is a win for all.
Maybe at this point of your life it might not seem possible to heal all that. You may need help. Maybe a little help, maybe a lot of help. I encourage you to reach out if now is the time for some guidance and reconnection to your own inner healer and infinite abundance.
Will you know perfection
when you see it?
When you feel it?
Will you recognize
the wisdom
your ancestors
passed on to you?
Carrying within you,
a million kisses deep.
Feel their trauma,
but feel their joy, too.
They passed on
the key to healing.
Find it deep within you.
You deserve it!
Let the wisdom rise
from deep inside.
Let their knowledge
awaken you.
Trickling down your veins,
or rushing in through your dreams.
Remember their rituals,
build their altars,
pray their prayers.
They are longing to be healed
through your own healing.
They celebrate you.
And with you.
Love is the answer.
Kindness is your power.
Take off your mask,
let your raw beauty shine.
Are you ready?
Face the mirror.
Perfect, like a snowflake.
I am.
You are.
— Zsoka L Scurtescu
The Inner Mystic Activation Program (IMAP) is ongoing, and since it’s a customized program to you, you can start at any time. If you feel the calling, say yes and sign up now and get ready to make the first step to the new you.
Each week we will spend one hour together in a private setting (via video call). It’s helpful if you can be in your home environment, but not essential, as long as you have privacy where you are and you feel safe. Private sessions are an hour long, but I ask that you clear your calendar for 1.5 hours for them, as potentially the session can run a bit over, and even if it doesn’t, in my experience it’s a good idea to have a time to spend in solitude to reflect on the work you did, jot down notes, meditate, journal or just sit quietly for a little bit before you have to jump onto the next activity in your day.
You will be invited to do different SoulWork practices and activities each week. These are invitations, but highly recommended. The more time and attention you can give to this work the more you’ll get out of it.
You will also get a recorded New Moon ritual and Full Moon ritual that you can do on your own time each month.
Additionally, I will introduce you to 2 guest experts in the form of an online group session during our 3 months together. The work of these amazing souls will bring you additional insights and wisdom that will compliment the work that we do together on a weekly basis. Some of them are my teachers or mentors, and all of them are whose work I experienced first hand and wholeheartedly recommend.
Ready to claim your soul-aligned and abundant life?
I invite you to flourish in the space between who you are and who you are becoming!
Zsoka L Scurtescu
Mystic • Abundance Catalyst • Mentor
Who is Zsoka
Mystic. Energy Reader. Designer. Conscious Entrepreneur.
Moondancer and pipe carrier — Tezca Atlzin (Reflection of the Water).
Weaver of Prayer, Light and Beauty — Always and All Ways.
Living in and Creating from her Divine Feminine Energy.
Aligning with her Soul’s Purpose.
Following her Sacral Energy in Life.
Attracting Abundance with Ease and Flow.
Empowering You to Heal Yourself and Step Into the Best Version of YOU.
Inspiring You to Create an Infinite Sacred Abundance Lifestyle.
Allowing You to Shine Your Unique Self – Be Paid To Be You.
You ARE Enough – Guiding you to Realize your Self Worth and Cultivate Self Love.
Zsoka has been on her spiritual path consciously for the past 18 years. It’s been a self healing journey for her, during which she has been in touch with, experienced and learned many sacred modalities. She is an Aura Reader, an Intuitive Energy worker and a Moondancer and Pipe Carrier from the Ollinthlahuimetztli Moondance of Teotihuacan, Mexico. She also carries the medicine of the Temazcal (sweatlodge) from this tradition.
Zsoka is an intuitive, empowered empath, and sage soul here to support and guide you to navigate your own path. She is dedicated to guiding women to align with their soul, reconnect with their ancient inner wisdom, flow with the Moon and step into their Divine Feminine Power.
She lives on a small island on the West Coast of Canada, on unceded Coast Salish territory called Salt Spring Island, with her husband, two teenage children and puppy Luna.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Aura Reading?
Discovering the healing powers of Aura Reading, a powerful healing tool.
An aura is an energy field that holds all the information for every being.
Aura Reading is like opening a magic door to look inside yourself and see who you truly are, know your past lives and how they influence you, become aware of your system of beliefs, and understand the behavioral patterns that manipulate your life.
You can release what no longer serves you, heal what brings you suffering and forgive those who caused you discomfort or pain.
Realize that you are free to live your dreams and have inner peace, and that you can create your reality according to your true desires.
The divine wisdom of your spirit can guide you on a daily basis.
The aura reading is a communication tool with the most sacred and authentic part of yourself. It is miraculous and powerful, yet simple and easily accessible.
What if I’m not sure this program is right for me?
If you feel a resonance with what you read so far, I encourage you to set up an appointment for a free discovery call. During which we will discuss and tune-in to your heart’s intentions, dreams and aspirations. We’ll get your questions answered and most importantly gain clarity on whether the Inner Mystic Activation Program is the best next step for you, and if we are the right fit for each other. I look forward to connecting with you.
Is this program only for women?
Yes, the Inner Mystic Activation Program is designed specifically for women.
However, I very much believe in the importance of the balance between the Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine, both in ourselves and in the world in general.
I fully welcome working with men individually, so if you feel called to connect with me, please send me a message through the contact form, so that we can set up a time to talk.
Say YES to moving forward in full celebration of Life.
Step into the best possible version of YOU.
Tap into the Infinite Sacred Abundance of the Universe.
Manifest your wildest dreams.
Live the life you’ve always imagined.